Newlywed Couple

Learn to Turn Towards Each Other

In my last blog post, I talked about how couples can “stop…

Stop the Fighting - Relationship Advice

I can't even begin to tell you how often I hear this question: My…

HOW To Get Naked With Your Finances - Part 2

Today, I’ll give you tips to get started on the slow strip tease of taking off your layers of protection and hiding about money.

WHY Get Naked With Your Finances?

When couples come to see me they’re usually eager to talk about…

Deepen Your Connection as a Couple

For many couples deeply in love, they find that love is not…

Believing in the Power of Transformation

Many of us, Christians and Jews, celebrated Passover and Easter…

How to Work Through Emotional Baggage of the Breakup or Divorce

Answer to the October Newsletter "Frequently Asked Question"   How…

The All-or-Nothing Marriage: A Review

Last Sunday, the New York Times ran an article called, "The…

Falling in Love: Our Past is in our Present

Thanks to advances in neuro-biology and technology, we know a…