Is Technology Splitting Your Relationship Apart?

Technology. It has complicated the world of human interaction…

Is it Too Late?

A woman wrote me to ask: "My marriage isn't what it used…

How Long Should You Wait Before Having Sex with a Guy?

Not to take away from the magic of that first kiss, but let’s…

Why We Love Halloween

Halloween is my favorite holiday: I love dressing up in costume…

Reigniting the Flame After the Kids Move Out

Flame? What flame? Many of you might be asking that question. After years of parenting, it might just be that your marriage has dwindled down to a simmering ember.

Do I REALLY need to prepare for marriage? Yes and Here’s Why.

The average couple will spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars preparing for their wedding day. I get it. It’s an important lovely day. It’s a party for family and friends and, in some cases, an opportunity for the bride’s childhood dreams to come true.

Triumphing Over a Popular Trifecta of Stress & Anxiety: Sex, Food and Money

Part 1: Sex Addiction. This intriguing trifecta – sex, food and money, are three of the most sought-after pleasures life has to offer. Yet, we’ve all suffered the extremes of having too much of a good thing – when longing becomes lusting and increasing stress and anxiety lead to obsession. husband is married to the Dog!

A couple, I will call them Jane and Paul, first came to see me after about 3 years of marriage. Jane first called to seek marriage counseling stating that they were on the verge of divorcing. She said that they had been fighting a lot and didnʼt seem able to resolve their differences.

Sons, Fathers & Divorce: Successful Joint Custody Strategies

"My son wants to live with his Dad; what do I do?". Suddenly the joint custody arrangement you shared with your ex-husband no longer meets your child’s needs - at least in his mind - and he has made the decision that he’d like to live with his father full time.

Imago Therapy

Relationships Don't Just Happen, Good Relationships Take Work Are…