Learn to Turn Towards Each Other

In my last blog post, I talked about how couples can “stop…

How to Work Through Emotional Baggage of the Breakup or Divorce

Answer to the October Newsletter "Frequently Asked Question"   How…

The All-or-Nothing Marriage: A Review

Last Sunday, the New York Times ran an article called, "The…

Is Technology Splitting Your Relationship Apart?

Technology. It has complicated the world of human interaction…

Reigniting the Flame After the Kids Move Out

Flame? What flame? Many of you might be asking that question. After years of parenting, it might just be that your marriage has dwindled down to a simmering ember.

Help...my husband is married to the Dog!

A couple, I will call them Jane and Paul, first came to see me after about 3 years of marriage. Jane first called to seek marriage counseling stating that they were on the verge of divorcing. She said that they had been fighting a lot and didnʼt seem able to resolve their differences.